Inside Real Estate
The book real estate agents don’t want you to read
You’ve heard the spin, now get the facts! Industry veteran Peter O’Malley reveals the secrets, myths, and pitfalls of the real estate game. Inside Real Estate pulls back the curtain on real estate transactions for everyone looking to buy & sell a property – from baby boomers who are ready to downsize in retirement to millennials buying their first home. Navigate the property market and profit in the digital age.

Real Estate Uncovered
A probing look behind the façade of Australia’s property world
The real estate industry is masterful at creating and promoting its own message as news. Have you ever heard an agent tell a buyer it is not the right time to buy? Real Estate Uncovered is designed to help you cut through the hype in order to make an informed decision while avoiding hidden traps and dirty tricks. These brutal strategies and their unsavoury tactics will be laid bare in Real Estate Uncovered. What you once viewed as normal real estate practice before reading this book will be viewed in an entirely new light.

10 Property Pitfalls
How to Avoid Underselling Your Greatest Asset
Selling any property represents the final chance to unlock its full financial value.
Whether a family home or an investment, there is a responsibility to yourself and your loved ones to secure the highest possible selling price. This book highlights the 10 Property Pitfalls to avoid when selling.

Getting Started Guide
First Steps to Becoming a Property Investor.
In a nutshell:
- Strategy
- Research
- Buying

How to Identify Real Estate Hotspots
In a nutshell:
- The Hotspotting Process
- 11 Core Categories to consider
- How to use this knowledge
- Finding information easily

Cate’s Top 17 Books
wisdom (wiz-dem) n. being wise; (possession of experience and knowledge together with the power of applying them critically or practically; sagacity, prudence, common sense.
You always get asked “what’s the most powerful book you have read?” As a business owner and salesperson, I couldn’t select only one. So here are my Top 17…..
For a free copy of any of these books email us now.